My reading – Food for thought

Creativity, Creative Economy, Entrepreneurship 


Nielsen Norman GroupThe attention economy
Paying Attention: The Attention Economy
Sucess philosophy – Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success
The truth about personality – Two Horizon
Personality of creative individuals – The Creative Personality
Creativity and brain function – BBCHD Horizon – The Creative Brain
Creativity as the new economy – Why Creativity is the New Economy – Richard Florida
Are leaders made or born? – Simon Sinek on How to Get People to Follow You – Inside Quest
The curious creative – How our creativity is shaped by our culture
What is work? – What if jobs are not the solution, but the problem?
Emotional responses to improve performance at work – “Coherence: The Secret Science of Brilliant Leadership” by Dr. Alan Watkins
Origin of the good idea – Where good ideas come from: by Steven Johnson
“The internet was meant to spread democracy. Could it be having the opposite effect?” – The biggest threat to democracy? Your social media feed
Connect observation to activity theory – Activity theory
“Change or be changed.” – This Changes everything
What is your reason for doing what are you doing? – Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
10 myths about being an entrepreneur – The 10 Myths of Entrepreneurship
Do school kill creativity? – Do schools kill creativity? by Sir Ken Robinson (TEDTalks)
What makes a good team? – Secret weapon for innovation, IDEO, Shopping cart
Project: Landmark – London Design Festival
What is home? – What makes a home a home? Ikea report
Revolution in urban living – How we live now, Guardiancities